Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Digital Dream board thing. A facebook friend posted a bucket list sort of thing but had a narrower time frame than "someday before I die" which I appreciated. I made a list.. don't think I want to post it.. but I made this collage of sorts and turned it into my desktop. I think my wife's Aunt Suzanne presented a non digital dream board project at a family retreat once. Always wanted to make one. But scissors and glue are soooo last decade (to be read with sarcasm). If I post it here I am less likely to lose it... this isn't really intended to be much of an interesting post... sorry. It might be mildly interesting if you are really really bored. These pictures are meant to inspire me more than make sense to anyone else.. so pretty much posting this was a really odd choice... hmmmm


Julie L said...

Most intriguing. Love the idea!

Diane said...

I like your dream board and I remember well our family activity when we did them. I didn't put enough thought into mine. You are severly limited when you only have pictures from certain magazines to choose from. I also loved your next post. You always see deeply into situations and find real meaning. I like that.

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