I'm not anti facebook... but I'm a little bored of one liners...
Anyway. I like to play around with little plays on words and write little songs in my head. I'm never quite sure when a song feels right if it is because the powers of the universe have converged and my little diddy is perfect... or if I just blatantly ripped off someone else's song and think I'm a genius.
If the weather continues to be this cold I vote we all move to somewhere Mediterranean. I had to spell check that one... one suggestion was subterranean... again, if the weather continues like this that too may be an option. I'm ready to not be cold.. I'm a wimp.
Greydon "ate" oatmeal today at daycare without a spoon... so we came home without pants... his emergency pants were used the day before, we weren't ready to need another pair so quick. I think we should all have emergency pants...
I think it's official, I'm pretty confident I can now say I am done with my degree. I think I've decided to walk in April, well, my family is being very supportive and even some of my siblings are going to come out, so I'm walking in April. I think it's healthy to focus on being proud for finishing. I'm also proud of my "with honors" final GPA.
I'm loving the school I am working at, but next year wouldn't mind working a little closer to home. Any other commuters out there? An hour each way isn't my friend.
Greydon is talking up a storm, but now he is totally aware when we have no idea what he is saying. Sometimes he is patient with us. Yesterday he said something... that sounded like ... chewies Elmo... so I made that guess and he paused and looked at me, said "Not chewies Elmo" like I was insane and then dropped his head in exasperation into his palms. It was such a grown up display of annoyance it was awesome.
In primary class nine year olds told me "this is actually pretty interesting". I'll take that.
Totally agree on the one liners. Greydon is such a doll! Wish you guys still lived in our ward so we could see him growing up. And congratulations on finishing the degree! You have every right to feel proud of that accomplishment!
Soooo, you think YOU'RE cold.......Ha!-3 here this a.m. and we got 14" of snow in 24 hours. Yep, Med/sub-terreanean(sp?) sounds great!
Can't wait to see G in person in April. Love, Muzz
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