Tuesday, June 9, 2009

An old friend

Ok, I am now at my parent's house... They have a computer but their internet service is a little slower so I haven't been loggin on, and I still think I will wait to upload some pictures until there is a faster connection available.

Staying with Shannon was great. Saturday morning her husband offered to take us biking on a great bike trail around Muskegon Lake. He said we would go on a 30 minute bike tour, that ended up being.... longer... I think we hit 11 miles or so... I have a boney butt.... by the time we were done I'm pretty sure bloody butt bones were sticking out somewhere... My legs didn't really ever get tired, which was nice. I have to say that 11 mile bike rides are much more enjoyable NOT in the middle of the rockies...I got some good pictures, it was a very picturesque ride. I'll be sure to post them. Just the guys went. Me, my dad, Garrett, and his oldest son. It was nice...

Saturday afternoon I finally got to the real beach. I'm a bit of a sap, I realize that, but even I was surprised when I got teary. Driving over the hill and having Lake Michigan come into view was like greeting an old friend. I even heard myself saying "Oh, there you are.." As we drove along the shore for a little before gettiong out the tears just flowed a little more... I can't quite explain it. I think it was home sickness mixed in with appreciation of something so beautiful. The sandy beaches rolled, there were sand dunes, grasses drift wood and waves.. It was a little perfect.

We got out of the car, everyone got their shoes off as soon as possible amd sunk into the perfect white sand. Nothing is as good as Michigan sand... ovean beaches can't even come close. Greydon got his feet wet, I loved holding him as he got his first tastes of what I think embodies "home". He loved playing in the sand, we weren't sure what he would think of it... but he loved playing with it.

This was his first taste of the water and the sand... It's been cold and rainy since we got here, so there hasn't been any real swimming yet... but this counts for something.

Sat night we traveled up to my parent's house where we have been since. We have been lazing about, taking scenic drives around the area and scowling at the rain.

My "glass half full" wife has been liking the rain though, she says it makes everything look even more green and more lush. I'm practicing my Polyana dance and still hope we get a chance to swim before heading back to death valley.. well UT anyway.

I'm not sure when I'll try to post pictures again... man we got some cute ones of Greydon sitting next to some driftwood on Lake Michigan.

Going back to the barren waste land is going to be difficult I must admit...


cryssal said...

Aww, quit your whining! If you weren't in Utah, you wouldn't get to see me once a year. And you and Tage wouldn't be buddies, this "wasteland" isn't so bad.

Calvin said...

wow, not violent at all.... and yes it is.. well GJ is worse

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