Greydon doesn't understand that the more he cries the more his throat is going to hurt, and when it hurts he cries more... it's pitiful.
It's not constant, it comes and goes. For much of the day, including while we were trying to explain to the urgent care doctor how miserable he has been, he has been in quiet a good mood. Smiling laughing playing... Last night was awful though.
The doc here prescribed some benadryl to help dry him out a little. It doesn't effect everyone the same, and in some babies can actually cause hyperactivity.... uhm... not for Greydon... He was a little glassy eyed and was strangely staring at the wall when Kristen laid him down tonight in his crib... If he was talking yet I'm pretty sure he'd have said... "Duuuuuuuuuuuude", "Aaaaaawesome" "woaaaaaaahhhhhh", or just chuckld under his breath.
Tonight my other nephew Jake came over to say hi. We had a great dinner with steaks on the grill and lots of good food. We lit a bonfire, set off a bunch of fireworks, played some catch, whacked golf balls into the woods, roasted some marshmellows, made s'mores, watched a movie.... and... I think that's about it.
Jake, Greydon and Zach
I love Greydon's face in this pic... you can just see him thinking......
On our way back from the urgent care facility I tried to get my sister to at least DRIVE by some sort of body of water... It's killing me that I've been back for a few days now and still haven't even seen a beach... I'm about ready to scream....
She had to get back to the house to get the grill going... so no drive-by lake viewing... Kristen tried to help by pointing out the rivers and marshes we were passing... which was sweet.... but not quite what I was hoping for...
I've developed some opinions that I have absolutely no place to share publicly... which is driving me crazy.... I don't think I can even expound, or allude... arrghh... the agony...
There was just a car alarm going off outside, so I walked around the house trying to find it... it was coming from outside, I went outside... apparently someone attached it to a bird that is living high up in a tree just outside of the yard... Seriously???!!.... how can something so loud and annoying and repetitive just be a bird... crazy.... luckily my mere powerful presence was enough to shut it up... I am sooo intimidating...
It never fails. They're horrible until the minute they walk through the Dr's office door. I can't believe after all that, you just got benadryl. Ergh! I hate viruses!!!
I am such a skeptic now. After Connley, we really only go to the doctor if stitches or casts are required.(which is more than you would think)
Stock up on tylenol and benedryl and save yourself the trouble.
What's eating at you? Bring Kristen over some night and let's all talk, or just send me a message. My brain starts to fry when I can't discuss my deep thoughts. It is a MUST!!
The trip looks fun!
there are always things eating me.. it will be fun to get more specific someday
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