Tuesday, March 31, 2009

8 facts for 8 months

The 26th was Greydon's 8 month birthday! I've been trying to pull a pic or two off hte flip camera that Kristen used, but my PC doesn't like that program and I'm too impatient, so I'll just post the actual little video instead of still shots... if it's not on here yet check back shortly and it will be.
8 facts at 8 months

1.) Not at all interested in rice cereal

2.) Get's way excited when he sees the syringe every morning mixed with milk and cherry flavored prevacid.

3.) Love's grape flavored tylenol for hurting little gums
(#2 and #3 may explain #1)

4.) really doesn't like oragel

5.) already has good taste, proven by being allergic to the cheap wipes we were given, huggies rule

6.) not much muscle tone yet... like father like son

7.) so dang cute I could just burst, cuter everyday, he giggled yesterday when I threw him in the air, and plays with our faces... sooooo cute!

8.) still wakes up happy and smiles when you come to get him

Kristen's 8 facts

1.) He likes to chew your knuckles

2.) He loves the taste of tylenol

3.) His favorite place is the changing table

4.) He likes to be with people

5.) I love his hugs

6.) He never tries my patience

7.) I love it when he touches my face

8.) he used to be new, now he is himself and I know him, especially his little face

Happy 8 month Birthday my baby boy!


Unknown said...

Never tries your patience?

Please have that mounted on your wall somewhere for future reference. He is cute...but I'm just saying....he is a child, after all!

Anonymous said...

You guys are so adorable; I hope you never lose your insatiable joy in everything he does!! Love you big boy; you too Calvin!!Muzz

AJ said...

You are right...he does get more and more cute. I love the pics with this post. He is a growing. I love the squeels, too. He is a happy baby!

Tiffany said...

Great post idea! I cant believe he is already 8 months

Anonymous said...

Hey, still not getting those 8 month pics; got to stay on schedule here! Love, Muzz

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