I had a few firsts as well lately, including letting the Easter Bunny know that the changing table was available for basket placement, I LOVED that he chose the camo Easter Basket.
Obviously the Easter Bunny performs all of his own stunts, but I did get to play bunny assistant for the first time, it was very rewarding, I'm not completely sure why. It was great, there were some eggs with toy cars already inside, couldn't resist those, completely age inappropriate, but so "boy". I stopped at two, the convertible and the hummer were the most iconic I decided. He also had to have a little wind up bunny that hops around. He will love to watch it on the table and try to snag it, good for the coordination. The spiderman tattoos also found their way into the basket..I'm thinking left butt cheek.
When I used to travel for work a lot I would always get something for Kristen, that developed into a tradition of ours to get a magnet of places we visit for the fridge. Greydon loves loves loves them. He just stares at them anytime we walk anywhere near the fridge (he loves them almost as much as he loves light fixtures, no not the light, just the fixture...) So, Kristen has been wanting to get magnetic letters for the fridge, and I totally agree that he might as well have something to look at that will help the reading later.... So there were the cutest wooden letter magnets and animal magnets in his basket also....
The true photo opp though was the cutest little Easter outfit.
For a long time now we have been very careful on how often we take Greydon out, typical new baby stuff mixed with premieness, nothing shocking.
And, I've always wanted a little someone to dress. I think part of it is deep and dramatic and has something about sculpting him to be my son, I think part of it is that it's just fun to play dress up, part of wanting an Easter outfit is the whole iconic holiday of new outfits and feeling like a real dad, and part of it is that, dang little kid clothes are cute!
So, mix not being out much, with Easter outfit shopping and Kristen and I with Greydon had the best day a little while back when we went to find him something special for Easter at the mall. We did so good and only spent money on that outfit, that is very impressive for the both of us. Of course the outfit had four pieces to it, but it was totally worth it.
It was a good Easter. I got to go to church with my wife and my son, pretty much for the first time. Greydon was perfectly content and happy during Sacrament meeting. The primary did a couple of numbers, I'm sure their parent's were all happy, though I had a hard time discerning the lyrics to their songs, but that's ok. I was actually more busy scanning all of the kid's outfits and Greydon's totally blew them all away... (why yes I am that guy).
Then the young women did a beautiful job singing something about tears in Gethsemane that had a little of a Far East feel to it. Then there were two great touching talks. There were also some distractions that bugged me, but as you never know who will read this I'll keep it vague... I just think it's wrong to disrespect the speaker by ignoring them. We took Greydon out twice as he fussed barely, which was another first for both of us. I think Kristen took him once and I took him once...no Kristen took him once, then I was bugged by some "distractions" and had an excuse to go find them.... nope, I was right the first time, I took him out again a little later during the second great talk. (I know it doesn't matter, but it's late and my mind is all jumbly and mushy)
He started off the second hour in Sunday School fine, and as soon as I stood up with him while giving him his bottle he was fine again, but there's no where to stand in the Sunday School room without really invading someone else's personal space, so I got to take him out to the hall. It was fun, but this teacher gives great lessons so I hadn't pinched him to get out of there yet.
Kristen and I were passing him back and forth of course... I've already been accused of being a baby hog once.... he wasn't up for a third hour of church though so Kristen took him home while I did some random calling stuff. She didn't leave until after the third hour started so I'm totally counting it as a full church day.
It was a lot of fun, we're cheesy, I'm cool with it. So far I have fulfilled my vow to not be one of "those" people who don't think the rest of us can hear their child crying... he made noise, we left the room... well the happy noises didn't get us out of our chair... hopefully that's ok.
As fun as the day was, I was very bugged at the level of disrespect and commotion at church... It feels like there is a disconnection somewhere. It feels that some of us get caught up in the Law of Moses aspect of doing all of the steps and practices and hey, it's great that whoever is being loud is there instead of watching football at home, but their should be the higher law also where presence is secondary to participation and perception. If you don't sing the hymns and never look at the speaker, are you really at church? I know I'm walking on shakey-judgemental ground, I've been physically present yet mentally absent many times... but it got to me today. Maybe because it was Easter, maybe because I want my son to have the best of all worlds.
I loved today sitting as a family, singing hymns and listening to talks and lessons about Jesus and how much he loves us. One of the speakers compared the feeling of desperately wanting to embrace her son as he came home from his mission to understanding a little how excited Christ and Heavenly Father must be to embrace us as we return home to them. I'm barely starting out on this father journey, but I'm grateful to have the opportunity to start to understand the correlation a little better.
I hope everyone had a great Easter filled with reflection and gratitude...
I loved his outfit; you surely aren't hung up on boys can't wear those colors!!
What a fun sabbath to go as a family; and yes there are times when we're not "there" but it's good to be there instead of somewhere else.
Someone in one of the Gen. Cong. referred to participating and non-participating church members; at the time I thought oh, I love that definition and now can't remember who said it; oh well, will find it in the Ensign, copy and place on my fridge.
Our Easter was nice; and heard from all of my kids so it was even nicer than expected; a sad note was when I called my Dad and he didn't know who it was for a few mins.; then he clicked in; never had that happen before, not pleasant at all. Love, Muzz
Greydon's outfit is absolutely adorable and he looks so good in it. I loved the pictures. I can't wait to see Greydon and Kristen this week. So sorry you can't come with us. The Easter Bunny left some things for Greydon at our house also. He'll get that Wed. I'm so glad that you can all go to church now as a family. It's a good feeling to be together. Our Sac. meeting was great, but I really LOVE our Sunday School class. our teacher is phenominal, (sp). Never want to miss her class. Well, have a great day.
And to think that I missed THAT Easter outfit. Bummer. COngrats on your 1st week back together at church! I could pick out who the probable "distraction people" are, but sometimes (sadly) I am sure I am on that list. :) Only sometimes.
I too love the out fit, but I would expect nothing less than the best for your guy! I will once again comment on his cuteness, dang, he is so freakin' cute!
i would have to agree the 4 piece outfit was totally worth it, IT'S ADORABLE!!!!
Happy Easter. He looks darling. I love his outfit.
That is so good you all got to go to church together. Yea for warmer weather.
I love a good Easter outfit, you guys did well. Orange is Scotty's favorite color!
Looks like he had a fun Easter. I guse I don't care alot of what the Dr's would had told me about keeping my child in and Home I still belive they need fearms around them and I still would taken my kids to church & stores now letting others hold them I was not one to do thatbecause fo things but taking them to church and store yes I did all that they could not keep them home. Even my one that was early I would just put a blanket over them when they were a sleep. I look at a person in our ward her baby is 7 months and now just bring that child to church. to me I say no way two weeks later I am there with my new baby. That just me. I know they say they can get RSV or other things yes they can but if you keep them home full time they also can get this so if you do not let them get sick or germs you do more harm than good for the kids. Yes the first little bit you had to keep people away he had health problems but after that I would had said he coming just do not ask to hold him or take him then my answer would be NO and most people understand this...
Orange is bright and when he is small you can do it just wait till he is 7 or 8 and then he will say NO to Orange outfit. but I think he cuite in this and he looked like he like Easter
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