Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh yeah, this is MY life

You know, just when you are close to being one of those optimistic happy people, life has a way of sneaking up and kicking you where it hurts


cryssal said...

I am so with you on that one.

Unknown said...

I hear you.
Like when you come home from vacation and your son cracks his head open (is that better than a window?).

Calvin said...

ahh, is he ok?

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

It seems like that always happens.

Hope Kristen had a Happy Birthday....

Anonymous said...

who kicked u in the short pants?!

Anonymous said...

what does this blog refer to??!!
I know you said I couldn't comment about the weight thing but.........hey you have so little to lose figuring in your height and build etc. I'm proud of you!!!! Love, Muzz

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