I guess getting into the shower and no longer being dry technically counts as a shower. Washing and using shampoo I'm sure are highly over-rated.
One time I said the words "Yeah, that's as mad as he ever gets...." I was full of it. Let's just say the boy has found those vocal chords and isn't afraid to use them.
Baby-carrier-back-pack,-but-in-front-harness-things are God's gift. I got the living room cleaned up and some laundry done. Bending over and making "vroom" noises didn't seem to have much affect yet.... I guess he hasn't had a lot of experience with airplanes just yet.
He likes the carrier, well after he finished "expressing" his displeasure in getting into the carrier, he eventually liked it. It's surprising what is harder to do. Bending over is fine, but standing next to a counter isn't possible unless you feel like creasing your baby. Putting away car seats and stuff fine... folding a blanket, near impossible. I never realized that I fold a blanket by laying it on my chest and using my chin...
I killed the steamer...
We have a bottle steamer. You wash everything for baby that's made out of plastic, put it in the steamer and throw it into microwave for five minutes. It made sense to steam the brush we use to clean the little tiny openings... Oh, did I mention it is metal with plastic bristles?
Kristen got home after I put it in the microwave. She was holding Greydon while I was running around trying to figure out which part of the house was on fire. The kitchen still stinks, there's a hole in the steamer, one bottle vent is dead and one lid is wounded. I feel like I ate the plastic smell and would really love to throw up and start from scratch right now.
I'm sure I just took a year off all of our lives and Greydon will now never be able to do math.
I have my camera next to me, this is Kristen right now.

Here's Greydon and his mobile, he loves it. I love the clasped hands
Have you ever wanted to get something as a gift for someone just to watch them open it and try to figure out why they were getting it as a gift? Me too. So, I got Angela a Samurai sword for her birthday.... I couldn't resist... I stopped recording because I started laughing too hard to hold the camera steady. I'm sure her friends now have confirmation that it really is unfortunate she has to put up with me as a brother-in-law. Ohhh, things that will always make me happy. If you don't know Angela, please realize that there is not one single reason she would want or need a Samurai sword.... but luckily now she has one...
Happy Birthday Angela, or should I just bow?
You are so incredibly patient and motivated to do all that with a carrier on. Those are the days I said "The baby just wouldn't let me get anything done" and laid on the couch and watched Maury....
I am sure Angela will find a fabulous use for that sword. Especially if guns are banned.
So, on Saturday's TO DO list: Buy a steamer. No damage to the microwave???
Thanks for the sword. Still trying to think of things to do with it. It is not as sharp as one might think.
Bow accepted.
So, on Saturday's TO DO list: Buy a steamer. No damage to the microwave???
Thanks for the sword. Still trying to think of things to do with it. It is not as sharp as one might think.
Bow accepted.
Hope you had a good Birthday after all. I know all about puting things in Micowave not to get on fire but things that do not go in there. No Fire for us is leaving a pan on stove and forgeting it.
Lots of fun things we do with #1 child I think we lose or brain when we have kids.
First child I went in labor they ahd to use foresept to get her out and rip me we lived in Noth Salt Lake in apt. came home to apt the power was out baby 3 days old. When she was one we moved to Magna #2 child had my tail bone broke to have him lived in Magna had him at LDS Hosptial sat on pillow 12 hours later put baby in crib to sit in tub and big sister almost 4 got him out of crib and tryed to hand him to me Dad on phone as all of this is going on me yelling get the baby #3 child 5 weeks early they tell me I was bleading inside when I would say no Im in labor had to stay at Hospital 10 days send home with montor etc. they go for no reasson and some thimes you tink why cant I just take this off of him. ( Big Brother just 1 1/2) now 2 kids in Huggies and still Mom home full time Dad working in Bountiful at Lakewood Funiture fixing things a year and a half later #4 Dad changes jobs in Jan to Mc Donnell Douglas now Boeing my parents move right beofre I have him lots of stress cord around his neck 2 put on bed rest for 3 months trying to take care of 3 other kids and still trying to stay down I would at night go to the store for food and the bager would take it out of the cart and put in the car then Dave bring it in the house etc. so he comes the day before his due date (Sunday) had to have him c section and the last one also. They can get my doctor so I get one I dont know I had to have lots of test to see when his longs were where they should be to have him. then we moved a short time later to West Jordan and have #5 Regina 2 1/2 yr's later I still think her and Jesse should be twinns they are so much alike but I think maybe the lord new what he was doing to send them that far apart. so she was bor Oct 28 no problems geting her I had apt set to have her so no walking into the hospital in apin I did not want to have a Halloween child but they tryed to tell me she was to early because she was so small but now she is 17 and spoied rotten. then 4 years later we moved to Lehi I said we will not move again that was alot of work each time and I dont want to move again well 5 kids in 10 years does alot to your mind, body etc. All I can say is good luck each child has there fun and chalange and you never know what you will learn with each of them
Good Luck and just keep praying and the Lord will guide you.
Ah So, angry sis-in-law now has sword; are you nuts!!?? She'll find a use for it alright!!
poor bottle steamer; it had such a good life there with youse guys!!
Would love to see you carrying G in baby pouch: how fun!! Be sure to have Amy take a pic of it for us!Love, Muzz
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