Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Inside the walls

There’s a baby who lives in the walls of my house. I know what you’re thinking, and I would too, but the baby is real and I see him most days, and he really does live in the walls of my house.

It’s not like I’m dreaming, or ate some spoiled meat, I know what I know and I know he is there. I catch glimpses of the boy, who is never alone, I catch glimpses through the holes in the walls of my house.

I framed my favorite hole in the wall where I most often see the babe glide past. I added a table where I throw my keys as I stand and wait for a brief little sight of the baby who lives in the walls of my house.

Last night he passed, crying, distraught, in the arms of a man who had bags under fogged eyes who rocked and patted and looked my way as he furrowed a brow, licked his corner bit lip, then passed by the hole in the hall of my house.

This morning I waited in the sun’s radiant hue as the baby went by the silver-framed
hole in that same hall of my house. A micro-sneeze preceded an angel’s sigh, embraced in safe arms of the foggy-eyed man who then inhaled the cheek of the babe.

The other day through the wall-hole that tops the hooks where I hang my snow sodden coat I saw the infant in the arms of his mom as the man stole a kiss from behind. So apparently a family, not just a babe, have nested their home inside the bulging walls of my happy house.

I just got done brushing my teeth as that man stood and stared through a hole, a hole in the wall right over my sink. He stared and stretched, smiled and winked, then left with an encouraging nod of his head.

I’m guessing the babe will grow to a boy, then to a teen and someday to a man. I’m hoping the man will grow right along from foggy, to calm, to father and friend as I eagerly watch, gaze, and observe at the holes that I have in the walls of my house.

I’ve rambled and stuttered and stumbled enough, and suppose that I should come to an end. I’ve no lesson to preach, there’s no moment of Zen, it’s just time to go and look at the boy, the baby who lives inside the walls, the walls of my squat little house.


Anonymous said...

it could be really big termites...

Anonymous said...

When I first read this I thought, "Oh no, you guys need to do something about that baby problem," and THEN it occurred to me , "it's a story." which now I have decided to tell you that I liked it. And very well written. My favorite lines are 7 and 8.

Anonymous said...

I meant paragraphs 7 & 8!

Anonymous said...

This is so insightful; I loved it!!
Love, Muzz

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