Monday, February 17, 2014

Nerd alert

Why am I this excited? I just signed up for a service that very cheaply sends you non name brand razor blades every month.  I'm trying the most expensive blade and will pay $9per month... that's the expensive one!  There is a $6 one that is a little better than what I use right now, and then a $1 version. They sealed the deal when I found out that they send you a free handle.  DONE... here is a link.  If you sign up for this, and really I can't understand any reason why ANYONE would not sign up for this... anyway, if you click through this link they give me a free car or goat or something.. ok, probably free blades...

click here... seriously... I am way too happy about this....

OR DONT!  I sound like I am marketing, I'm just excited

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