I am having difficulty deciding what I wanted to blog about right now. There are so many valid possibilities. I could blog about Christmas, secular or spiritual, though I don't feel like I have much to share that everyone wouldn't already be numb to; nothing earth shattering or earth shatteringly philosophical. It was a good Christmas, Greydon amazes me on a continuous basis, Jesus is great, thanks for the great gifts, happy to be surrounded with love, glad to have a week of rest, having a great vacation so far at that R's, I think that about sums it up.
I thought about posting about my schooling, not my teaching, but my studenting... and I guess this kind of counts.... I recently finished my classes. I alternate between a few different feelings here. One is gratitude that we were able to make it happen as a family, it would not have been possible without Kristen rooting for me and making many sacrifices. So that causes an undulation towards the guilt of taking so much family time to finish a degree that many people finish long before they are my age. The topic of "my age" undulates a queasy feeling of embarrassment, a feeling that is reemphasized every time someone clarifies; "oh so this is your masters? some sort of post graduate license? You finally are graduating surely with something more than just a bachelor's degree... surely at your age... oh wait... why are you all red faced and staring at the floor? Oh, awkward..." as I red facedly pretend like I am not reacting to the assumption I must be getting something above and beyond the bachelor's... hi, just a god ol' fashioned degree... yep, I'm old, yep, I didn't finish the first time I went to school, let me know if you would like a list of every other decision I regret.... Hey, I'm overweight too, should we talk about that for a while next? At one event in particular I had to clarify so many times in a row I was a little... affected.... I can list off reasons I am proud of finishing, but to list them now would sound forced and immature... I am proud... but I wish I was twenty two and getting a degree from Harvard or Yale or someplace instead of oldy two from UVU... huh, that rhymes...
But it feels unseasonal to keep hashing that one over. I regret not focusing on Jesus Christ more this year, especially during THE SEASON. I let myself get caught up with work and school and before I knew it we were driving to Christmas Day. We tried to enjoy an acapella concert... much different with a 2 and a 1/2 year old than last year when he still wasn't even standing. I am amazed how fast he is progressing, we just learned gallop, a year ago we were hoping for weight bearing... completely shocked at the growth... anyway, where was I... hey look a run on sentence...hmmm, well, moving on...
I'm not big into New Year's resolutions, mainly because I don't last even a week, so that affords me the opportunity to be philosophically anti resolution. I do think it is a time worth pondering, taking inventory and whatever touchy feely word comes to mind. One of my reoccurring faults is to let reflection turn into wallowing, so I try to glance at mirrors instead of pulling up a recliner and camping out.
I'm guessing most of us "normal" people frequently feel overwhelmed, right? I can't imagine I'm the only one who feels like I am flailing in slow motion in the middle of a wheat field while angry torch wielding villagers are charging in from every direction... or am I? Sometimes I just want to yell BRING IT ON and punch whatever villager is close, other times I want to curl up in a ball and hope they just run right over me and sometimes I find myself just staring at the flames of their torches, entranced, unable to decide on my next move. See, this is what happens when I spend too much time in front of that self inspection reflection... I let a little of the crazy inside my head show....
To finish off on a very enlightened, post graduate level of self-reflective torch bearing introspection... here are the results to Kristen's and my alphabet game that helped keep me awake while I was driving to CO for a Christmas Eve surprise...
A is for Archaic Angels
B is four bouncy baubles
c is for colorful candles
d is for demented deer
e is for
f is for frosty flocking
g is for gaudy garland
h is for holy Handel
i is for illuminated icicles
j is for just Jesus
k is for kept kitchens
l is for lowly lowings
m is for magical movies
n is for nocturnal noel
o is for
p is for phat Prancer
q is for quaking quail
r is for riotous ribbon
s is for
t is for two turtle doves
u is for
v is for voluminous violins
w is for winter wonderland
x is for xeroxed xylophones (Santa has to go through security with a xylophone... you try to come up with a Christmas X item)
y is for yodeling yule
z is for
ok, I forgot a few, blame it on the eggnog... Once I stop trying to remember they will come back to me...
As always, LOVE your posts! No one writes quite like you. Keep 'em coming!
The only difference between your wheat field and mine is that mine is under 2 feet of snow!!!!!Love, Muzz
Thanks for a great bit of humor to start the day off with. Agree with Haley!
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