Friday, August 20, 2010

Tick Tock Arggghhh

There are times when I am tempted to scream myself to sleep and other times when I just start nodding to myself reassuringly that I'm ready for Monday. Either way, it's almost here.

I've been going to a lot of meetings, in a bunch of venues, either district or shcool, or department, or here at UVU. They are all important, but I am not overly excited to be pulled away from getting my classroom ready to go all the way down to UVU for a meeting that will probably mainly consist of them asking us if we are ready... ironic...

I have already had the chance to meet some of my students and I am getting a better handle on the culture at MJH. I have learned some sad numbers. One of them is that around 57% of our students are on free or reduced lunches... so basically over half of our students can't afford to eat. It was sobering. It has changed some of my lesson plans, I won't be assuming that everyone will have an I pod in their back pocket like my last school.

The administration has only good things to say about the students, they admit they require some extra attention, but have such high standards. The best example is that the big concern that all of the teachers had last year was students getting to class before the tardy bell and working on homework at home... When you think about the population at this school, there could have been much graver fears and concerns than tardiness. It is impressive.

They told us new teachers that her at MJH if a student gives you a big sob story about why they couldn't get something done, unlike some schools, here it is likely true. There are a lot of homeless kids who come to this school, kids in horrible home life situations. Many grandparents who are raising kids whose parents are incarcerated, and are vocal about not wanting the kid.. in front of the kid.

One fact that sobered me up was that they keep a bunch of shoes in the counseling office... because they needed to have a solution for when kids showed up in the winter crying because they didn't have shoes. Kids at this school are sad when it is a 3 day weekend, they would often rather stay at school than go to... wherever.. Last year one of the students who was living in a truck in someone's driveway showered in the locker room before school everyday.

I'm humbled... and really excited, I finally get to make a difference... in some small way


Amy said...

Teachers are some of THE most powerful people in this world. So excited for you Calvin.

p.s. I may be falling in love with your sweet little boy.
Okay, I am.

Tiffany said...

Good luck, you will be amazing. You will obvious teach great lessons and also learn great lessons. I cant wait to read all about it.

Julie L said...

Humbling post. I have a feeling you WILL make a difference. Good luck.

Michelle said...

Go get em Calvin. You'll be great with your new students and they will love you. What a humbling experience.

Anonymous said...

Go gettum Son!!!! Love, Muzz

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