Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Keys and pizza

They call me Mr. Staff.

Today I went up to my school to help out with student registration. I manned the q-s table. It was a great way to get a handle on the school population and diversity. It is a very diverse school Everyone was very cordial, even after waiting in a few different long lines. I think that is a good sign. I also got to meet some of the staff and found out that at least two teachers commute farther than I do. It looks like there will be some opportunity to carpool. It must be a good place to work if people are willing to commute.

After four hours of talking and helping people do all sorts of paperwork and immunization reports and fee payments and such and such and such such, I decided to stick around and work in my classroom.

I got my keys, and found the work room, so I started working on my bulletin boards... I just need to find a good picture of tiger eyebrows and find someone who has some jungle netting they want to get rid of... just another day at the water cooler right.

I found the teacher's lounge and a soft light started glowing around a pop machine has a choir in the distance sang oohs and ahhs. It was on and everything. My first early schedule and the sweet sweet nectar of caffeinated goodness was shimmering before me. I took out my dollar bill, gave it to the bill reader... gave it to the bill reader, flattened it out, why isn't the bill reader trying to take the bill, sloooowly and peacefully offered it to the bill reader, offered it to the bill reader in quick succession, touched the buttons longingly, stuck my lip out, furrowed my brows, heaved a sigh... offered it to the bill reader.

Right about the time I gave up, the pizza delivery guy showed up. The administration bought everyone lunch as a thankyou for helping out at registration.. yes, pizza AND drinks. I'm remembering how long it is between 5am and noon.

Just for fun I snapped a picture looking out the windows of my classroom. It's great everyone tells me I got a great room.

Oh, the staff comment: I met a few of my future students by glancing at their schedules every now and then... It was fun to say hi, and they all seemed to care they were meeting one of their teachers. That's not always the case in Junior High Land, I'll take multi cultural any day over apathy. They don't have me officially in the system yet, which is really normal, so Next to my subjects and room numbers it just says Staff. Not so reassuring. At least they gave me keys.. that made up for it.


Rocks In The Wash said...

Congratulations on starting to get settled at the school! Can't help you on the tiger eyebrows, but you can find netting at Uncle Sam's in Provo off of State Street. Good luck.

Julie L said...

Great job. I taught Junior High for a year one day as a substitute. I think the kids need someone very fun and very loyal like you. I wish you the best of luck with your classes!

Unknown said...

Connley is always so excited to meet his teachers, and when they something kind to him ("ohh, I like your name, very distinguished"...or "nice shirt" etc) he literally glows for hours. I am still amazed at the influence a teacher can have, especially on teens who hate their parents ideas. If it wasn't for a proactive Guitar Teacher my son would not be in choir, I begged, pleaded, prayed...he said no. Then a teacher noted, "you have a good voice, we could really use you" and now he is in the chamber group and it is his favorite thing. I love that teacher.

Anonymous said...

Okay Mr. Tibbs; love hearing about your involvement with kids and the view from your room is awesome!! Love, Muzz

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