Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Greydon being propped next to Blue Bear, around two or three weeks old.

Why yes, the night nurses were a little crazy, lovely and crazy.

So, add two years....

2 going on 13..

"Showing" Blue Bear the Piano

"Showing" Blue Bear the camera

Your bear Sir

Sharing Blue Bear

Happy Birthday Blue Bear


Vicki said...

He is such a cutie!!! and no, I am not prejudiced at all. I have his picture on my desk at work and many people tell me that everyday. I miss him when we aren't there. Happy Birhday Big Boy. Love you.

Haley said...

Oh my word!! What a cutie. I can't believe how big he is. We need to do a play date sometime. I want to see him walking and how much he's changed since I watched him.

AJ said...

Cute kid. I bet his aunt rocks.


PS Glad you're back to blogging...

Mike, Torie and Boys said...

He is a cutie and such a little miracle.
Hope he had a wonderful birthday and congrats on your house.

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