Wednesday, March 17, 2010

stupid spam

I'm getting a bunch of spam comments... I'm tempted to shut down the comments, but that's one of the fun parts of blogging... I'm afraid to require people to get invited, it's a pain and has made me stop following a few blogs...

Woah! Ha ha, laughing hard... I just re-read this post and had a very unfortunate typo up there where I said "shut down the comments"... whew, apparently I need to proof-read closer!...


Julie L said...

This is not a spam. May I repeat, this is not a spam.... Just set your responses so we have to do the little word identity thing, and that should take care of the spam. At least it worked on my blog.

Amy said...

Dancing on Wheels! It's a dream.

Calvin said...

i will try the wordy thing... stupid spam

Annika said...

hmmm is that why you stopped commenting on mine? or...could it be that I only post once every 6 months? I'm trying to do better! promise! ( and I went public again) Don't shut off comments, they're one of the best parts!

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