We flew out this morning after a night that included late night packing and throngs of policemen and dogs combing our property after someone called in a suspicious person report... so the beginning of the day made me a little nervous as how this was going to go.
Luckily being in the center of a man hunt was not a glimpse of things to come and everything has been wonderful.
This is already our second time flying with our little world traveler. But flying with a 19 month and a 12 month child are very different animals... especially when the 19 month has no experience being confined to a miniscule chair in coach for four hours. We never reached the "who the crap's kid is that screaming" stage, but he certainly let us know periodically his true thoughts on the matter.
Nap? Ha.
But we got to the hotel tonight relatively unscathed and our room is palatial. It is wonderful, spancious, on the main floor, great view of fountains, pools, ponds, and water fowl of all sort. Grandma Robbins took him on a little walk, a beautiful evening.
To cap off a wonderful intro to our trip I got to go out to dinner with an old high school friend as I flit through Tampa. A nod to today's facebook technology.
Kristen, Greydon and I ate a great steak with a good friend, Tammy from back in the day. It was great catching up. I was especially struck by how different my perceptions of reality stack up against another reality. I love seeing things from a different point of view and it was thrilling to talk to a teenage friend after 18 years. I was simultaneously morose over my own self centered approach to adolescence, and fascinated watching an adult version of someone who has lived in my memory as a 17 year old.
(Tammy is the one who isn't 6 feet tall... and is standing on her own)
Now Kristen is fast asleep and drugged (she's sick, why? because it's vacation and that's just how things go of course) with Greydon curled up with her in a beautiful room, my soul and thinker have gotten a workout and a good stretch, ahhhhh
Tomorrow we go get on the boat, but already I'm glad I came.
Oh, If anyone sees a "bald man" skulking around our house... maybe call a cop...
You may be out of posting range for a while, but I'm hoping you have a great trip you guys. Can't wait to hear all about it. (And I was clueless about the manhunt - sometimes I think the world could come to an end and we'd sleep through it, but let a little cat make a little mew, and the rest of the night is out the window - a throw back from my days as a Mom to little ones, I suspect). - Julie L.
I'm so excited for you and am wishing we had planned to go too. Hope you have a great time and especially a great dive!
darling pics of G. and sure hope your trip and plans continue to go well. Tammy who? As soon as you say her last name I;ll go; oh yes, I remember her..........Love, Muzz
Can't wait for the cruise updates...and I am so glad to see a pic of you and Kristen on here. There hasn't been as many since G was born ( not that I blame you, I love pics of my kids too) but I love how excited you gusy look.
Hope K feels better quick!
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Hello. And Bye.
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