Getting ready on Monday morning was hurried and hectic. None of his pants fit him right, and he had to look cool to go to college. He is tall and skinny so his pants either are long enough and have a waste band that looks like the after picture of the newest weight loss ,or they fit in the waist and look like we refuse to buy our son new pants as he grows taller.
So after a few tries of pant choices I settle on the best, put a couple of cute shirts with it and add his new lettermen's jacket. I put snacks in a bowl with a sealed lid, got another bowl for a separate snack for variety, filled that up, dumped it all over the floor, scooped up most of it, startled myself by looking at the clock, got a bottle together ran around the house finding any toy that would be entertaining without playing music of squeaking or rattling or whatever... shoved them all into the diaper bag and eventually got out to the car, after warming up a piece of bread in the toaster long enough to get my coat on and calling it toast...his favorite.
I stopped at McDonalds on the way to get a happy meal, I'll buy his silence with some french fries and a sugary apple juice. Sue me.
20 minutes later I actually pull into the UVU parking lot with a few minutes to spare, find a great parking spot. I notice that when I threw in the diaper bag to zoom away from the house it rebounded off the seat and landed upside down. So half of the bottle was now being soaked up by whatever was on the floor... and half the bag was a pretty drippy.. but I was still going to be on time! I put my school bag over my neck grabbed the baby, grabbed the other bag-drippy side away from me, found a free couple of fingers for the happy meal that wouldn't fit into the milk soaked diaper bag because of all of the quiet toys I had already forced to fit. Off I schlumped and shuffled towards the ed bldg.
I got some odd looks. I'll admit it.
Success! I walk into my class room with a minute to spare and start scoping out the corner I will set up shop with a blanket for him to eat his fries on. The professor was sitting in the back of the room and greeted me with, "You didn't get my email did you."
Though she was sure my kid was great she would rather not "set a precedence" by having kids brought to class. I was respectful, her position made a lot of sense, I had to wonder if she could hear that whistling sound as I slowly deflated. I was on time... he is dressed cute, I remembered everything. I was on time... I was.. on ... time... I was acting under previous precedence set by others, why didn't she go back in time to a different professor's class and tell them not to set a precedence... I was on time... did I mention that? I had warm kid food and a drippy bottle and quiet toys...
So, I turned around and walked back to the car. And drove home. And fed him cold fries, a flattened and luke-warm burger patty, he still loved the apple juice.
He was so cute all day and never once made me in anyway upset, at him, but I had this pent up frustration going on now that was unhealthy for the remote control that refused to perform the simplest of tasks. I just tapped it, gently, against the wall to let it know I was displeased... from across the room...
Then we took a nap. And Kristen came home. And we called back the friend of a friend who might be willing to watch Greydon on Mondays and Thursdays. The other remotes are hoping she works out.
Somedays are like that, even in Australia (ask K). You tried and that's what counts. I'm sure li'l G would have loved class, he's so smart. Oh well, see you Friday.
Dang. So much work. Sorry it didn't work out.
I was wondering if you guys were still needing me on every other Thurs or Mon.(whichever it was that we talked about). I thought K said you needed me on the 25th, but I didn't hear from you. I'm still open to what we talked about, but obviously it's totally up to you guys. I do have to say that G is the best dressed baby I've EVER seen. I wish I could clone the outfits in a size that would fit Easton.
Man, the saying "That's not fair" is one I never grew out of!!!!
I am glad it was just the can get another one. Remotes deserve to be kicked around once in a while, right?
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Sorry, but I completely agree with your professor. I was an el ed major and never understood why some students thought it was ok to bring their kids to class. I realize that we were all learning to be teachers, but that doesn't make the kids any less distracting than if it were biology or French.
ok , anonymous... hiding behind your namelessness....bring it! :)
Read closer, I never bring my kid, just thought I would try once and the humor was in the backfire, not trying to say it should be ok, actually I really don't like kids in class.
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