It wasn't the most exciting of anniversary celebrations. We spoke about using some free tickets we have to get out of town, but the hotel cost and scheduling concerns kept us from jetting. I ran over to my school for two hours and then went to get her a gift, later I fell asleep with Greydon during HIS nap, Kristen went to a physical therapy appointment because she re-hurt her back and later I had to go to my second to last Scuba class... something I couldn't reschedule... So, our anniversary consisted of lunch out a little gift and some roses. As I was sitting there Kristen was upbeat and started counting our blessings and reminded me that we had said if we ever got a child we would never want anything else. She is so right... How she puts up with me I'll never know.
I took a long break from blogging, but I think there are still a few readers out there.... Today is Kristen's birthday, if you are reading this and know Kristen will you leave a comment about something you think makes her the cool person she is?
I did not love the last scuba class. It was our first class in "the crater" up at Midway. It was dark and the water was grimy so the visibility was only a couple of feet. The water was really warm so it felt constrictive. I got a little panicked but breathed and self-talked my way through it. I'm guessing not very many people who will read this have ever seen me panic.. it's something I just don't do. I get frustrated and a slew of other negative reactions, but generally not panic. I think I was actually whimpering last class. I'm not trying to be funny, I really was making little moaning sounds and was close to tears. I got over it, there was only one part that it really hit me. I was much better as we moved around and did things. Just sitting on the dark platform at 20 feet waiting for the other group to get done at the next stop just started to really get to me, the longer we waited the warmer the water felt and the more closed in the rock walls and ceiling felt. Even swimming down to 40 feet, which supposedly feels like 60 due to the altitude, was more relaxing because I wasn't just sitting there and sitting there. I am very happy that after next time I wont have to pass off a bunch of "skills" anymore and will be able to just swim around.
I know I will be fine in the clear bright waters in the tropics... one more class to go in the dark hole... I always say it is good to step out of your comfort zone... I hate practicing what I preach.
Leave a message about cool Kristen!!
I am currently most thankful for how much she loves Greydon and I. She shows it in every thing she does and the way she approaches every situation. She is always concerned with everyone else. At times I don't realize how huge of a talent that is and try to convince her to be a little more selfish. But it's just not who she is. She will go out of her way in big and little ways to make the day better for someone else, even when she doesn't realize it. She is the reason I can breathe and I am very lucky to have her in my life.
That was so sweet. You guys are lucky to have each other :) And little Greydon is lucky to have such wondeful parents.
Kristen, Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great day. You have always been a great example to me and Mike. We love you.
Happy Birthday Kristen! I hope that you have a wonderful day. You really are a "cool" person. ;). Seriously, I wish I was as kind, funny and intelligent as you are. I really am impressed by you and think you are an amazing person. We miss hanging out with you guys. We think of you every time we pull out settlers. We should go out for a double date soon. Have a great time on your cruise.
Happy Birthday Kristen. I don't think that "cool" really describes the kind of person you are. You're a great Mom, first and foremost. It's so cute to see you and Greydon interact. I'll always remember the times you would visit us at my Mom's while you were at Ricks or BYU. Great times. Happy Birthday!! (and BTW, does Kristen get to go scuba diving too?)
Happy Birthday Kristen!! The best thing I think about Kristen is that she is so easy to like :) (A rare quality trust It doesnt matter how long it has been since I have seen her last we can still talk and laugh like we see each other all the time. Hope you have a great day!!
About the scuba diving thing, you are actually WILLINGLY doing this???
You are the best Kristen. Happy Birthaday to ya! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend to my Brennie.
I heart Kristen! Happy Birthday! I will never play clown arounds again on my banquet table with masking taped off rooms without thinking of you! I will never shovel snow off the street at 2 in the morning without thoughts of your birthday running though my head. Terms of Endearment, well, there are many but I won't think of it without thinking of you!
Hope it was a super awesome day!
So here I am, late as always, Julie. Hope it was a wonderful day, Kristen! And the beginning of a wonderful year for you.
I love having you in our ward. I love your talents and insights and testimonies and hope you stay here a very long time because, Kristen, I want to get to know you lots better. Happy belated!
I know your birthday was yesterday, (I AM your mother, afterall.) and I have already talked to you on the phone, but I just wanted to say how much I love you and am so blessed to have you for a daughter. You and Angie have blessed my life in so many ways I can't evern begin to count. I love you and every thing you do. (I do hope today is better than yesterday though) Love you with all my heart, Mom
I'm late too, Kristen but I did think about you yesterday. You have always been so fun to be with and as you have gotten older, I've noticed how you always put others first. That's not always easy to do but you never want to impose on anyone for anything. You would go without before you asked for help. You are very Christlike and I'm happy to be related to you! Happy Birthday.
I love Kristen because she is herself. She is kind and not a prideful person at all...very humble! I love Kristen most because she understands me. As we get older I realize more and more how blessed I am to have such a wonderful sister who loves and cares so much. I would push your car any day, Ti!
Happy Birthday Kristen! You have a beautiful family!
Amen to all of the above!! Mothers don't get to pick their dau-in-laws, but I'd have kicked somebody in the butt if he had not grabbed this one!! Love, Muzz
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