Bored probably isn't the right word, I've got plenty to do. But I'm ready for them to be back now.
I did a bunch of homework, which was why I didn't go to CO. Kristen went with her sister. I just wish they would have stuck with the schedule that would have put them driving through the canyon during the daylight. I'm pretty bugged about that... but I bet I'll get over it... Kind of hard to sustain complaining while I'm sitting here staring at a computer instead of doing the driving myself.
This weekend I made sure to go see a good friend of ours who is playing the Wicked Witch in "The Wizard of Oz". I was very impressed. I was also impressed with the talent and the effects for a community theater production. I love living in an area where a "community" level production involves a week of sold out nights in a 1000-seat auditorium, huge casts of actors and incredibly talented singers, good costumes and on and on. I'm not sure UT has cornered the market on this kind of support for the arts, but I'm grateful for it being here.
Having Greydon has changed my mind about some things... like kid shoes.. I've always loved kid's shoes. I love children's clothing that looks like adult clothing shrunk down. My theory has always been that if an adult wouldn't be caught dead in it, I shouldn't subject my kid to wearing it. As soon as you wear a powder blue jumpsuit with a three dimensional dog head sewn to the chest, I'll put my kid in one too. Kristen likes "cute" a little more than I do, but less now that our little baby has somehow turned into a little boy. Shoes are the perfect example of shrunk down cool-cuteness.. but now, they're a pain in the butt. Greydon still has sensitive feet, he doesn't fight us putting on his shoes, but he curls his toes anytime you mess with his feet at all.
Last time I tried to put his dress shoes on I kept checking to see if I had accidentally left something wadded up inside;
I compared the size of the shoes to the bottom of his feet to make sure they really should fit;
I compared one to the other after I finally got the first one on to make sure they were both the right basic general shape;
I loosened up the flaps as much as possible about three times;
and then finally decided it would be just fine for him to go to church wearing one shoe.
I no longer have a problem with kids who are not walking yet to not be wearing shoes, this was not always the case. Now I truly understand the genius behind those little socks that look like tennis shoes. Once he is walking, there's no excuse, shoes for sure... I'm hoping by then he will understand "Now now Greydon, stop curling your toes before Daddy has to walk away and count to ten."
I drove over and walked by Bridal Veil falls today. I let my energetic 20 something cousin go right ahead and hike up the trail to the base of the falls. I got winded just carrying my subway sandwich bag and camera up the trail through the park that led to the falls. I did however find a great comfy log next to the river that was down the bank far enough that the rest of the world just seemed to melt away for a little bit. All I heard was the water on the boulders. You can't beat that, at any age or energy level. I can't wait to show Greydon everything. That's enough motivation to hike up any hill.
i was probably one of those parents you were annoyed with, with the whole shoe/walking thing :)
That must have been one heavy sandwich. And I really only liked cute until he was about 6 months old, and he was more like a 3 month old then.
And we missed you, too.
Late comment. i know. You wee one is so freaking cute that it doesn't make me baby hungry more like baby famished! Love him!
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