Saturday, May 30, 2009

He's just not selfish

We had Kids on the move come over and evaluate Greydon.. basically we were worried because he wasn't bearing weight on his legs yet.

If you know me you know that I'm pretty hard to please, so it's not surprising that one of the people who came over bugged me, but luckily it was just the paperwork girl, not the physical therapist who was working with Greydon. While the therapist was playing with Greydon, figuring out what he was and wasn't doing, the 13 year old paperwork girl was asking a bunch of other questions and, of course filling out her paperwork.... She was just a tad self important, but not enough that I got in her face or anything... Just enough for me to secretly think every now and then "shutupshutupshutupshutup".... so basically, the usual...

After they were done evaluating him they let us know that by now he should be bearing his weight(HELLO, we know, that's why we called you!, were you listening) but I just smiled and nodded... The physical therapist said that often preemies that spent a lot of time in the NICU don't like things tickling their feet. They might be over-sensitive since that's where they draw blood all the time in the NICU, it's also where the monitors were always hooked up... She suggests that we play a lot of feet games with him and showed us some new ways to help practice standing with him that were pretty cool.

Also apparently at this age he should hold onto two toys and bang them together.. but currently if you give him a new toy, he puts down the first one when he takes the other... he's just not greedy or selfish. But we are going to keep encouraging him to take multiple toys.

He scored well on everything else, and really didn't qualify for the program over all, but since the bearing weight thing is a pretty big deal and he was so early they are going to pick him up after all, so they'll work with him and check up on him for the next couple of years.

We also went to the eye doc on Friday to check out the eye that is looking more "lazy" lately. They put drops in, which Greydon didn't love, but Greydon did leave on the cool glasses after... so dang cute.

The eye doc admitted that the biggest challenge with intermittent eye problems, is that of course it doesn't happen when you are actually AT the docs office. The doc said Greydon was showing some preference for one of his eyes, which can lead to the lazy eye thing, but not enough to freak out yet. Basically he said his eyes were in really good shape and for now just keep watching him and see if it gets better or worse. It's possible that he'll develop out of it, or it may get worse and eventually need treatment, but not yet.... maybe when we get him to be greedy enough to play with TWO toys at once he'll need both eyes more... :)

We're taking off for Michigan on Tuesday, we're very excited... It's going to be a great vacation... and I can't wait to take Greydon to my favorite childhood beaches.. so cool.


Rocks In The Wash said...

He's grown SO much since he was in the NICU! I love the fact that you keep taking pictures of him with the bear. What a handsome boy you have.

Have a great trip! I told Kristen to take "dum dum" suckers for the plane trip and his ears. If he won't take a bottle I'm pretty sure he'll take the lollipop!

Michelle said...

Hey Calvin,
I hope you enjoy MI so much. What a beautiful place, and it is probably now hot and humid for your summer enjoyment! It is here.

Unknown said...

Enjoy your vacay! Glad to hear Greydon did so well on his little evaluations. Coming from a massage therapist I defintiely recommend rubbing his fett as often as possible. There are som many nerve endings and reflexes- it is so great for babies (and grown-ups too). Good LUck!

Calvin said...

oooh, foot massage... THAT sounds awesome...

kathyurry said...

He looks good and sounds like he is growing well. I know we allways worry about our kids but that comes with being a parent.
Have a great summer and we will keep checking up on the blog and face book
The Urry's

Haley said...

I know the problem. I have his 2 fav toys at my house. (no I really do) I'm sure he'll perk up once I return those! :)

Calvin said...


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