Lately he is b hnub sh bhhhhhz@S
ok, we'll just leave that one..
lately he has started getting the hang of the piano also. He loves looking at and trying to grab the sheet music most though. He still loves all things paper and crinkly... hopefully when you get the mail you have a good hold on him because he is probably going to dive for it.
He makes sounds we think are mamamamamama and dadada.. the mamamama happened once as he reached for Kristen... so that was pretty cool... the dadadads is still much more rare and interpretive.
We noticed a long time ago that his eyes don't always look in the same direction, but it's getting prominent enough now that we've made an appointment to have it checked out... I'm not sure I can handle watching my baby go through wearing a patch... I wore a patch through most of elementary school and it was crap...
His nails grow fast enough that it sometimes takes some pretty good grimaces to love the fact that he is grabbing our faces more and more. He is such a little man... for so long his identity was his size, that it's kind of weird to have this little boy and not some tiny premie... I can't express how much I love him, it makes me want to burst....
He is pretty much ready to move to formula now, but still has little interest in other foods, unless we're eating it of course... He still is working on getting the tongue to push things back to swallow them... but he is getting better daily at that.
We have a physical therapist coming this week to put him through the ringer... well an organization is coming bringing a therapist with them... he still wont bear any weight on his legs, so they want to check out his development and see what we can do to help him out. Language skills and fine motor skills are doing great though.
Next week we get to fly to MI for a few weeks, which is going to be wonderful.
We'll get a ten month blue bear picture up sometime today..
Right now he is wearing a 12 month old Nike onesie because he is so long... it says "Are you ready to get WRECKED by a rookie?" maybe that's not so approriate for his official picture.... or maybe....nahhh
1 comment:
He really is just growing up already! Are you prepared for how fast this is going better hold on!
I hope you guys have a fun vay-cay, however I am sad we can't do another game night soon.
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