Fact: Greydon now has enough hair to "style" if you get creative and are a little patient
Fact: Greydon is NOT allergic to "Bed Head Manipulator" goo... good for father and son
This morning Kristen was holding him as I walked by and stopped to kiss him...(you can't help it, you just have to stop and kiss him) He reached out over her shoulder and put his right hand on my cheek, which was precious of course, then he put his left hand on Kristen's cheeck.... I KNOW total Halmark moment.
This morning is one of the mornings I stay with Greydon (the schedule is too confusing, don't try to figure it out) We have had the best morning, he's been so happy. We ate, had a little diaper change, read som e good "boy" books, including the book shaped like a sports car, complete with wheels. We had some great tummy time. Then he started to get fussy, but the "tired" fussy which to Kristen and I is sooo different from the "hungry" fussy, but to everyone else probably sounds exactly the same. He didn't really act tired, but I knew, so we walked around a little and he kept fighting it and fussed a little more and more... but then I sang to him... AND HE FELL ASLEEP! Holy Moly it worked.... such a fun morning.
Now he's napping, my sad little excuse for a frozen meal just dinged, I've cleaned up the living room a little and got a load of laundry done... if I'm not careful I might even seem cheerful....dangerous...
Good for you, sounds like an awesome morning!
be careful... if you can put a baby to sleep AND clean up the house... you'll be put to work full time :)
I noticed in his last picture that his hair was getting longer, I just never pictured it in a mohawk. He is so good natured to allow some of the stuff that happens to him. What a cutie.
I noticed in his last picture that his hair was getting longer, I just never pictured it in a mohawk. He is so good natured to allow some of the stuff that happens to him. What a cutie.
he actually asked for the mohawk... he's a rebel
Hmmmm; I think that rebel stuff comes from his mothers' line!! Yea, right!!? How cute his hair looked; and he is so good natured to put up with all of this lst. time Dad stuff you're doing! I'm sure this is one of many we'll hear of as things proceed! Good stuff!! Love, Muzz
p.s. for some reason I can't get the "another first" pic to come up , even on photobucket....can you enter it another way?
it's a vid, it's a link that should take you to the vid if nothing else... I don't have any other way of loading it! sorry.....
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