Friday, March 6, 2009

Check up report

As a preemie Greydon gets lots of attention and check ups. Today we went to a follow up clinic that was supposed to last four hours. It only lasted two. We saw the opthamalogist, nutritionist, a different pediatrician than our regular doc and had all of his weights and stats taken.

It was all pretty good for the most part. The ped said everything was great and that his head was perfect. He is on the slower side of growth and weight gain according to the nutritionist, but not too the point of being concerned. We have to go back next week to see the physical therapist, he was missing today. Greydon is a little behind on gross muscle control. He is a litle slouchy when you pick him up or hold him. He has good neck muscles for tummy time, but when you pick him up he is still a little more jello-like than some babies at his adjusted age, and he isn't putting weight on his feet yet, and by now some are. He doesn't act like it hurts and he is happy to kick and play, so everything is fine, just something to watch.

The opthamalogist said his eyes were fine, for now. Apparently he is a little near sighted and will need glasses. I wasn't excited to hear that. He may have to get them within the year, likely within 3 or 4 years at least, maybe even by our next visit at 9 months adjusted.... so that kind of sucks, but if that's the worse thing we're good.

We ran into some people who shared the NICU bed next to us with their son Reydon. He is two months older than Greydon. He is a great little smiler, a very happy baby, but his head has that weird oversized preemie thing. There were preemies at different stages of growth there, up to 2 years old, and there was a consistent weird head shape that many of them had, lots of oversized heads, even on the toddlers..... so glad we dodged that bullet!


Unknown said...

Wow- a four hour appointment with a baby! Yikes. Although it's nothing with what you guys have been through.

It's amazing to see all that progress. i am sorry about the glasses- I mean I get it that it is no big deal, and it's great they can catch it and help him, and all that other good positive studd, but let's just face it, as a parent we really just kind of want our kids little lives and bodies and minds to be perfect. Every parent struggles with this- just not every parent admits it. Good luck with everything coming up. It's nice to see the update.

Unknown said...

ps- please know I meant POSITIVE STUFF instead of 'positive studd'...but I don't know, maybe your guy is already a little stud!'s late..I better go to bed before I type something completely wrong

kathyurry said...


I sent you a email just wanted to make sure you got it before Tue I know you read your blog almost if not more than reg email I do not blame you

Tiffany said...

Congrats on dodging the oversized head bullet... seriously :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, we'll take glasses as opposed to some other maladies right?!
We've dealt with patches, operations, glasses, good eye/bad eye stuff for how many years? It's not what we'd choose but hey......
As for all the other little thingys, just have to wait and see!
What pics we've seen we love, he is the cutest doggone little guy! Still cry when I remember being with him........Love, Muzz and Granny Nanny

kathyurry said...

Who cares if he is a little slow by the time he is 6 you will never know. To have to have glasses at this age is ok they dont take them off they will use them and then maybe later he will not need them. It's ok if he is a little slow at motor skills there again by age 6 you will not know. I Look at other kids around and my own they grow up and then you think ok they grew faster that i was thinking they would. soon they grow I have a child who was early and now you would never know it and in fact by 1st grade he did not need any extra help etc.. Yes every child grows at there own pace let him take his time I know that is hard but it really does work do not stress out because it does not do every thing the other child his age does. In my ward there is a family whoes kids do not work till 18 - 20 mouths so thats ok. Regina was my last one to walk she was 14 months now look at her.

kathyurry said...

By the way he is really a sweet baby I would say cuite but boys do not like that so I will say he the best babay I have seen

Anonymous said...

Got the pics to load up as a slideshow and laughed and cried all over the place, what fun to see him go, go , go and soon he will!! Muzz

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