So, I took my parents, mid-blizzard, to the airport today and leaked a little but survived. I would like to point out the slightly red nose (sorry Mom) in the first picture on Grandma. She has been crying for two days over everything she does "for the last time".
I cannot express what it has meant to have her and them here, but hey, I might as well try.
I love my Mom because she never thought twice about laying her life on hold to come help us with ours. I love that when she arrived her first instinct was to wait and to watch, to learn and to love. She held Greydon the first time only with encouragement, more worried about us as a family than her needs as a Grandma. I love that she was here as a back-up, as a support, instead of a headliner or a guest. That might sound odd, but I never felt like I was entertaining or housing, she came in and did what needed to be done, usually things we never saw or noticed but that made these last three months so wonderful. I have no idea how I'll find time to do all of the dishes and sweep all of these dang wood floors that I used to like. You just have to watch Greydon look at her face or turn to the sound of her voice to understand that he loves and knows her. I often feel like a lone weed bent and dry out here without the support of my extended family. It has been invaluable to me to feel their love and support again in person instead of through a telephone line or email. It was great to have Dad finally be able to come join us, I don't think Mom and him have ever been apart for that long. It was great to have him so willing to roll up his sleeves and get dirty and help me get the bathroom remodel downstairs done enough to be used by guests over the holidays. My dad is a bundle of energy that is never ending. It has been interesting to see them get old, get tired in the evenings, feel under the weather or take breaks mid-project. They have their quirks, like anyone does, but the walls will echo with emptiness as we get used to them not being here again.
I am also excited. Some of the most precious times I have ever had since I have been married were right after Greydon was born. The wonderful people who came to support us as he shockingly and unexpectedly arrived had gone back to their houses, neither of our families had been able to get to us yet, and we just were. There was a palpable feeling of peace that coated everything in that hospital room. I look forward again to quiet moments of being our little family blooming into existence. I yearn to cuddle on the coach with two people I could not love more than I do.
Calvin your an incredibly thoughtful person. I love your blog and I love your baby! Don't know you but I don't care because I just love your baby!
Smiles, Jen (Amy Browning's sister)
Man Calvin, I am so excited for you, because while it is true you will never have this time again, I promise you it just gets better and better. There is so much beauty in a family that no one ever warns you about.....keep tissues around, that's all I can say! A tender hearted guy like you will need them!
Ha! I love that my sis commented. I also have to say, I can see where you got your great hair Calvin! Sorry they have to go. Thanks for coming to see us.
GOOD LUCK WITH day-care tomorrow! You can cry on my shoulder if you need someone to commiserate with. Hope your parents made it back safely.
Hey, this is Granny Nanny back in Mi! It was such a blessing to be of good health and able to help and care for Greydon and be of service to the kids!!I'm so proud of them; they know and love that little boy with every fiber of their being; we may not all agree on everything they do but all can agree he will always be first in their lives and choices. What they need now is to continue to create their little nucleous family in their own way with no outside emotional or physical interferences!! As much as I did I was still under their noses an awful lot!! I'm still crying everyday of loneliness and empty arms; I miss all three of them so very much and pray that Greydon will have a remembrance of his "Granny Nanny"
As Kristen so eloquently put it in her testimony at Greydons' blessing; it's never been a trial or a burden to be borne but a blessing. I hope he will always feel the love that got him here and has surrounded him since as his Dad blessed him to!Love you ALL, Muzz
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