I really don't have anything specific on my mind but my fingers are twitching with a restlessness to skip across the laptop.
If I had a master schedule that I could have laid out, thought through, and adhered to I may have scheduled a few things a little different. I'm not sure I would have waited until I was skirting within a few years of the ominous and dreaded "forty" to still be going to school and having my first baby. I'm not sure I would have scheduled my wife's birthday and our anniversary within a few weeks of Christmas, and I would've penciled in some yodeling lessons; no real reason, but wouldn't it be great to be able to yodel?
That being said, I'm dangerously close to being happy right now. It wouldn't take a large push into retrospection to be reminded of a few things that displease me and make me less than giddy, don't get me wrong. But I love my wife, even though she very rudely decided to be born in January, I love my son, and I love learning and teaching, which is just another word for learning.
I have a full schedule at school and to round it off decided to add another class when the opportunity presented itself. I have a strong tendency to get bored with anything that doesn't fascinate me, so I have to prop my eyelids open for accounting and microeconomics. I'm pretty sure these two classes beating me into sleep the same semester would not have survived a careful edit of my fictional master schedule, but I am somewhat a slave to taking what is left when it is available. My upper level classes, of which there are too many still to get excited about, are not offered ten times a day like the earlier classes, so my options are getting painted into a proverbial corner.
I do have an easy class, and an interesting class, and an unexpected opportunity to finish off another class, which added all together again pushes me close to being happy and content. Don't tell anyone though, I have a reputation to uphold.
I have a game, game being a bit of a stretch, that I play with Greydon. I take his little hand and touch his face and name whatever we just touched, then find the same feature on my own and do the same. "Greydon's nose, Daddy's nose, Greydon's chin, Daddy's chin.." I said "game" was a bit of a stretch. But to my utter giddy happy joy joy blissfulness he seems to like it, stares at my face, gives me little smiles, and just incase my heart wasn't already melted, the last couple of times he kind of reaches towards me on his own and touches my chin, cheek, or nose. And with a catch in my throat I say "Daddy's cheek".
It's great watching him figure things out. He has started to figure out he can control his arms... he doesn't do a very good job at it yet, but he gets that they are his. He has started trying to hold his bottle. I don't mean, he holds his bottle, I mean he tries to get his hands and arms up by his bottle and often succeeds, Trying to feed him while he attempts to find the bottle is a little like feeding an epileptic bear cub, it makes it more interesting that's for sure.
Today I bought a new pair of tennis shoes. They were on clearance so my Mom should be happy, and I plan on using them as gym shoes, so my dad should be happy, and I plan to lose at least a pound or three, so I'll be happy, and I bought them with a gift certificate that Kristen got me for Christmas, so she is happy. I am going to post my weight on here somewhere. This is a very dangerous decision. I hate my weight, I hate worry about my weight, I hate having more than one chin. I also think we live in a world full of fakers. We don't fess up to what we don't like about ourselves and our surroundings, we pretend to be able as a society to live beyond our means, we pretend we never have arguments about stupid things with our spouse and we, or at least I pretend to be content with my weight. I also hate being a lemming who isn't happy with his weight, but my fondness of being a free thinker is being overshadowed by my mirror. (My mother is not allowed to reference or reply to this part of my post) So without some silly weight loss book, without a hyped up soon to be ignored New Years resolution, and without a need to have some magical target weight I shall soon be posting a list to the side with nothing more than a date and a weight. I would start now, but our scale is of the variety that will give a vastly different reading depending on which way you lean. So soon, armed with new tennis shoes and glint in my eye I shall brave the scale at the gym, pretend to know how to use the machines and be sorely upset with the level of results.
Watch out world.
Hmmm. I noticed you said happy, but not content. I would have worried if you had said content. Good luck with the gym. You're a better man than I am, Charlie Brown.
Sooooo, you're not content.... great.... happy anniversary to you too.....
Um, I meant you like variety and change and new things. You aren't content to sit still and not progress. Or even sit still in church for that matter.
ADD does that to a guy! Happy Anniversary, Your wedding day was the sickest that I have ever beenin my life, I will never forget it! It was lovely(we just visited and english lass). I have to do that same dreaded scale walk!
ok... so who is the closet runner?? I noticed your profile on realrunners.com and even added you as my friend. Don't try to pretend you aren't a runner in disguise
Too funny, One of my business teachers runs that site, we had to log in one day to test the beta version, that's how he took roll that day... I've never been back. Lol
Your random posts are my favorite.
One day at a time is all you can do.
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