I have been posting in groups and lists of 37 lately because Monday will be Kristen's birthday, but first things first. We were married before she was born. Yes you heard me correctly, Monday may be her birthday, but today is our anniversary. We have been married 12 years. I must admit that I am rather proud of us, more than hitting the 12 year mark is hitting the 12 year mark and currently liking each other, that's the cool part.
I'm not one to share details of a personal nature, but I think it is generally known that we had to have some medical assistance in getting Greydon here. Kristen just reminded me that the doctor's appointment that was successful was on our anniversary one year ago. It is truly amazing the wonderful changes that have happened in our lives in one short year. I distinctly remember this day last year and how I felt it was going to work this time. I have a strong testimony of the power of prayer, not because I got what I wanted, but because I felt a two way connection/conversation when I prayed for that one to work, and it just felt different.
I think it is time for the blog list special.
1.) Doing nothing is the best thing to do. I love just laying in bed at night and chatting, or walking around the block holding hands. Those are the times I feel like a husband, those are the times I love being married.
2.) Kristen can read my mind. She knows what I'm going to think before I think about it, and she also knows when to not bother trying to figure out what I might think because I wont know until after it's been thought.
3.) If I just slightly, barely bend my arm while we are walking next to each other she'll put her arm in mine. Ok, sometimes I have to get her attention a little, but I love walking with her arm in arm; and she does also (which is why I do). do be do be doo
4.) She let's me pay for things. Even though we use the same account and she's the one who organizes the bills; she lets me feel all macho by paying for dinner or groceries or whatever. She knows I like it.
5.) We dance in the Kitchen
6.) When someone says something that just happens to be a line to a song we usually start singing the appropriate song at the same time.
7.) She likes it when I cook.
8.) She doesn't expect or suggest that I eat my vegetables.
9.) It's ok to be quiet together.
10.) She talks to Greydon about me.
11.) Her neck always smells great.
12.) More than anything I love being married to my friend. I know that is a line that is over-used but I love never being lonely or wondering if someone is thinking about me. I love that she is sad when we don't get to spend enough time together and is happy to get my phone call and is happy to see me at the end of the day. My day is incomplete without kissing her good night.
I love you Kristen, thank you for being my wife, I'm excited to grin, throw my head back and my arms in the air as this coaster takes it's next turn, as long as you are buckled in beside me.
Thank you. I love you, too.
Ooooweeee; I think the boy is smitten!!!
If a Mom could pick a sweetheart for her boy Kristen would be the one; thankfully my boy got her!!
Love, Muzz
Thanks for sharing. I am so happy for you and Kristen for finding and sharing life together! Congrats on 12 years... you guys are old ;)
That was really sweet. Happy Anniversary. I rememeber your wedding day...wow, was it that long ago? Congrats to the both of you.
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