Tuesday, January 27, 2009

6 months already?

It is hard to believe Greydon has been here for 6 months. I can't believe it has already been that long, and I can't believe it has only been that long. Our lives and our selves have completely changed in that amount of time. It feels like he has been here forever. I knew I always wanted to have children, and I thought I'd be a decent father, but it's funny that I don't feel like I am being a father, it's just who we are, it's not something we do... I am not sure that makes sense.

I'll have some pictures posted tomorrow, sorry I am getting ready to run to school here in a few minutes.

But since yesterday was actually the big day, I wanted to throw something on here.

We went to the stabby place yesterday... some people call this place the doctor's office. He is doing great. But he got two more shots, and boy he doesn't enjoy a 3 foot long needle being shoved into his thigh.

He now weighs just over 12 pounds, is 25 inches long and his head is 15.75 inches around. We were a little worried because we found out that someone that came in contact with Greydon was later diagnosed with the croup, and Greydon had a little running nose. But The doc checked him out. Apparently "croup" affects the eyes first turning them very red, and then more things from there. It has a 3-5 day incubation period, and it has been that long so the doctor is pretty confident Greydon side-stepped that one. Kids typically have about 11-12 colds per year on average, most happening within the winter months. A little runny nose isn't anything to worry about. He said if he got a temperature they would quickly "be ALL bent out of shape" and not calm at all. We've been checking his temp pretty regularly since the croup scare, and all is good. It also was interesting that the doc said babies run higher temps than the rest of us, so a 100 degree temperature doesn't always mean a fever... I'm guessing that if Greydon gets a reading of 100 degrees the doctor may need to remind me of that.

In the blog tradition, a list of 6 for his 6 month birthday.

Here are Calvin's 6 favorite things about Greydon.

1.) He looks like me... I can't lie, that is the most incredible coolest thing ever
2.) He loves to smile and kick, makes me think we are doing something right
3.) When he sneezes he will sneeze once or twice and usually think he is going to sneeze another time and prepares for it... but then it doesn't happen and he coos and exhales after... it's so cute.
4.) He likes it when I read to him... seriously it's like he is listening, and following along, today I think he tried to help me turn the page
5.) He likes sleeping in my arms more than sleeping in his bassinet
6.) His poop doesn't smell that bad yet... I was worried

Kristen's 6 Favorite things about Greydon (in her own words)
1.) He's cuddly and buries his face in her neck
2.) He has a sweet and gentle spirit
3.) He has a calming influence on her
4.) She feels like she has known him for a long long time
5.) His happy and smiley and giggles and kicking self
6.) He is a testimony to the power of prayer and an example of how she knows her heavenly father loves her

Happy 1/2 birthday son.


Amy said...

Happy 6 months Greydon! He is so sweet and lucky to have you two as parents.

cryssal said...

I am dying for the pictures and filling myself up with vitamin c for your next visit here.

Vicki said...

I meant to call last night to say Happy Half Birhtday and to see how his Dr's appt went and I got side tracked. I am so glad to hear he is doing so good. I knew he would be 12 lbs or over, he is really chunking up. That's good!!. And his lungs work really good now too. He is such a blessing. We love him lots. What a cutie. Give hima kiss for me. Love to all

Unknown said...

So sweet Calvin, I love this!!! COngrats on 6 months~

The Astle Family said...

He truly is a blessing from our heavenly father. We're so glad that he's here. Happy 1/2 Birthday Greydon!!!

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