Tuesday, January 27, 2009

6 month Pictures


The Astle Family said...

What a cutie! He sure is growing fast, but they all do.

cryssal said...

I wanna blow raspberries on those cheeks! I cannot believe how excited I am to see him, don't even think about not calling!!!!

Anonymous said...

okay, we're SLIGHTLY prejudiced; but is he not the cutest kid?!!
These pics are so dang neat!!
Happy Bday baby we love ya lumps! Granny Nanny and gramps

Vicki said...

He is definately the cutest baby ever. Grandparents will agree on that. Thanks for the great pics. I have customers who regularly ask for pictures. Love and kisses.

Whitney said...

What a cute little boy! He looks so much like you Calvin, thanks for sharing the pics.

Amy said...

OHHHH what a cute little guy!!!

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